The Jaded Prole

A Progressive Worker's Perspective on the political and cultural events of our time.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Bush Accosted by Angry Citizens

Gulfport MS -- In an event designed to boost sagging support, President Bush agreed to meet with the families of troops stationed in Iraq. He found himself being asked numerous pointed questions similar to those posed by Helen Thomas regarding his continually changing justifications and misrepresentations for the invasion and occupation of Iraq. After several attempts to downplay and evade the question Bush was reported to make a disrespectful remark toward one of the questioners. A small crowd responded by storming the stage and succeeded beating the President about the head and shoulders before secret service managed to break up the melee and end the event. Thirty citizens were arrested for assault and later released.

OK, so it's April 1st but wouldn't it be satisfying if this were true? And considering that this administration has lost more money, not to mention lives, in a murderous and illegal debacle based on lies then it would cost to rebuild levees in New Orleans much less provide basic national healthcare, shouldn't we all be willing to chase these bastards out of D.C. tarred, feathered and on a rail (directly to jail)?


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