Supporting a Progressive Agenda
I'm afraid that Barack Obama, in taking the low road, by pandering to AIPAC at the expense of justice in the Middle East and to anti-Castro fanatics in Miami, is showing us what we can expect of him post-selection. That isn't to say he wouldn't be an improvement or even better than McCain but is that really enough? Is it really better? I continue to fear that a half-assed Dem could be worse than an outright fascist Repug because, at least with the Repug, there will continue to be an opposition without the illusions that weaken and divide us.
As ever, the only way We the People can have a voice that is listened to by any candidate of the Corporate Party is for there to be alternatives. In this case we have a good one in Cynthia McKinney who pulls no punches in laying our where she stands:
* election integrity, if our vote is to mean anything at all, all political parties must defend the integrity of the votes cast by the American people, something neither of the major parties has done effectively in the past two Presidential elections;
* funding a massive infrastructure improvement program that is also a jobs program that greens our economy and puts people to work, and especially in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, Hurricane survivors, treated as internally displaced persons whose right to vote and right of return are protected, play a meaningful role in the rebuilding of their communities;
* recognizing affordable housing as a fundamental human right, and putting a halt to the senseless destruction of public housing in New Orleans;
* enacting Reparations for African Americans, so that the enduring racial disparities which reflect the U.S. government's failure to address the reality and the vestiges of slavery and unjust laws enacted can be ended and recognition of the plight of Black Farmers whose issues are still not being adequately addressed by USDA and court-appointed mediators despite a US government admission of guilt for systematic discrimination;
* acknowledging COINTELPRO and other government spying and destabilization programs from the 1960s to today and disclosing the role of the US government in the harassment and false imprisonment of political activists in this country, including Mumia Abu-Jamal, the San Francisco 8, Leonard Peltier, including restitution to victims of government abuse and their families for the suffering they have long endured;
* ending prisons for profit and the "war on drugs," which fuels the criminalization of Black and Latino youth at home and provides cover for U.S. military intervention in foreign countries, particularly to our south, which is used to put down all social protest movements in countries like Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and elsewhere;
* creating a universal access, single-payer, health care system and enacting a livable wage, equal pay for equal work, repealing the Bush tax cuts, and making corporations and the rich pay their fair share of taxes;
* establishing public funding for higher education--no student should graduate from college or university tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt;
* ensuring workers' rights by 1) repealing Taft-Hartley to stop the unjust firing of union organizers, ban scabbing, and enable workers to exercise their voices at work and 2) enacting laws for U.S. corporations that keep labor standards high at home and raise them abroad, which would require the repeal of NAFTA, CAFTA, the Caribbean FTA, and the U.S.-Peru FTA;
* justice for immigrant workers, including real immigration reform that provides amnesty for all undocumented immigrants;
* creating a Department of Peace that would put forward projects for peace all over the world, deploying our diplomats to help resolve conflicts through peaceful means and overseeing the orderly withdrawal of U.S. troops from the more than 100 countries around the world where they are stationed, and an immediate end to all wars and occupations by U.S. forces, beginning in Iraq and Afghanistan, and slashing the budget for the Pentagon.
Here is a progressive candidate who is a woman and who is authentically African-American. We should support her as progressives if for no other reason than to pressure the Dems by letting them know that we cannot be taken for granted.