Kucinch Weighs In
A Progressive Worker's Perspective on the political and cultural events of our time.
The ultimate consumer advocate lays out a rational agenda to address the Walls Street Debacle:
You know the projections for our economy are bleak when the government decides to station the 1st Brigade Combat Team of the 3rd Infantry Division to our own country. As Army Times point out, "They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack."
Thomas Riggins writes:
A perverted, inverted form of Socialism known as Military Keynesianism - a reliance on government investment in militarism and the arms industry to keep our economy afloat, has now reached it's inescapable conclusion. trying to maintain annual military budget of over a trillion dollars has required borrowing on a massive scale. We have become an unstable debtor nation whose national gross product is weaponry -- much of which is unusable. What has been neglected is the basic domestic infrastructure on which a functional nation depends.
Ideologues of the so-called "free-market" are known to rave against any regulation as an intrusion on the free flow of business and the magic of those invisible hands, the ones most of us feel tightening on our necks. The vilest curses fly whenever government programs are involved with the constant accusation of "socialism" being the norm, How their tune changes when reality sets in! Apparently it is OK for the debts of the wealthiest, earned through theft and blunder, to be socialized at our expense. We weren't invited to the party (in fact it was at our expense) but we will be subsidizing the clean-up.
The Repug choice of Sarah Palin is more than telling as to the kind of administration we would see from McCain. As revealed in the New York Times, Palin is a secretive, vindictive, power-hungry and corrupt character. The more I see and hear of her, the more she seems like a cross between a right-wing Huey Long and another George W.
The Republicans, true to their fascist nature, have organized police state repression in Minneapolis and St. Paul. The have raided houses of activists and anyone they suspect of anti-Republican sentiments kicking in doors, seizing computers and jailing many. Their focus has been on the RNC Welcoming Committee, an organizing center for protests around the convention but arrests have included journalists including Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! and progressives in general.