Fighting Fascism on the Front Lines
A thread worth following on a site I follow. Russel "Texas" Bentley is fighting US fascism on the front lines in the Donbass, now Novorossiyaas it demanded independence following a CIA installed fascist coup in Ukraine.
Bentley is acting in the tradition of the Abraham Lincoln Brigades which fought the fascists in the Spanish Civil War. He goes further in getting real news out via Radio Free Donbass
We cannot all be on the front lines in places like Ukraine, but we are on the front lines here in the US -- the heart of the beast, as well. We can spread the truths working class heroes like Bentley put out as well as real news from progressive sources like DemocracyNow!, Common Dreams, People's World and The Intercept. We can and should work to elect Bernie Sanders as well as to push for the abolition of the CIA and national security state. We can and must help our working class citizens understand which side they are on with exposure to working class literature like the Blue Collar Review.